Program Initiatives
YOUTH INITIATIVES . We stand as role models for Black youth, and through several initiatives, seek to inspire them to achieve their personal goals, and to embrace civic engagement.
YOUTH FORUM . The annual “Youth Forum” offers workshops for college bound teens on self-esteem, career opportunities, leadership training, and civic engagement. Through this initiative, it is our goal to mentor, develop teens that are preparing to realize their professional and personal goals, while understanding their civic responsibility as members of a global society.
During the year, the public is invited to attend open programs. These include:
Annually, Kwanzaa provides an opportunity to celebrate and reaffirm the spirit of renewal, faith, family, and culture. Donated gifts are distributed to children in need.
Leadership Development
The organization invites special speakers with expertise in various areas to share resources and strategies related to our mission and objectives.
Meet the Candidates
Provides an opportunity for Long Island voters to meet and discuss issues with federal, state and local candidates.
Presidential Issues Forum
Launched in 2008, the Forum held in presidential election years builds on our annual Meet the Candidates event with an expanded multi- day agenda.
CONFERENCES . We regularly hold conferences to focus on critical issues impacting women. Conference topics have included;
Changing Realities for Black Women
Black Women in Economic Development
Black Community Issues for the Nineties
Economic Development: "Getting A Slice of the Pie"
Affirmative Action: Revisited, Reevaluated and Restructured
Who I Am: Defining Your Relationship with Yourself and the Rest of the World
Black Women Shaping their Community, Nation and the World
BIENNIAL BLACK & WHITE CANDLELIGHT BALL . This formal signature event is the organization’s major fundraiser. Distinguished individuals of African descent are recognized, at this time, with our highest honor, the Trailblazer Award, for blazing new paths in their professional or civic endeavors. In addition, unsung “Sheros” from Nassau & Suffolk Counties are also recognized for their lifelong commitment to community service.
BIENNIAL SCHOLARSHIPS . The organization awards five scholarships to African American females:
Attending either Nassau County Community College, Suffolk County Community College, Farmingdale State College or SUNY at Old Westbury
A mature woman pursuing a graduate degree who has progressed along a nontraditional path.
A high school senior accepted at a college of her choice